
соль имя существительное:
соль (salt, G, sol, point, saline, Sal)
поваренная соль (salt, sodium chloride)
изюминка (zest, raisin, salt)
солонка (salt, Castor, salt cellar, caster)
морской волк (sea dog, salt, shellback, sea cock)
пикантность (piquancy, spice, zest, poignancy, salt, ginger)
нюхательная соль (smelling salts, sal volatile, hartshorn, salt, salts)
слабительное (laxative, purgative, cathartic, relaxant, depletive, salt)
бывалый моряк (salt, water-dog)
солить (salt, pickle, souse, salt away, brine, marinade)
засаливать (besmear, salt, pickle, grease, salt down, brine)
консервировать (preserve, conserve, can, tin, mothball, salt)
насаливать (salt, spite)
просаливать (grease, salt)
придавать остроту (acuminate, point, salt)
придавать пикантность (flavor, spice, sauce, zest, salt, season)
имя прилагательное:
соленый (salty, salt, salted, saline, pickled, savory)
морской (sea, marine, maritime, naval, nautical, salt)
засоленный (saline, salt, in salt)
горький (bitter, poignant, rough, salt)
жгучий (burning, stinging, fiery, scalding, salt)
непристойный (obscene, indecent, lewd, unseemly, salacious, salt)
неприличный (indecent, obscene, rude, improper, unbecoming, salt)
солончаковый (salt)
слишком дорогой (salt)
солевыносливый (salt)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "salt" в других словарях:

  • Salt — Salt, n. [AS. sealt; akin to OS. & OFries. salt, D. zout, G. salz, Icel., Sw., & Dan. salt, L. sal, Gr. ?, Russ. sole, Ir. & Gael. salann, W. halen, of unknown origin. Cf. {Sal}, {Salad}, {Salary}, {Saline}, {Sauce}, {Sausage}.] 1. The chloride… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Salt — Salt, a. [Compar. {Salter}; superl. {Saltest}.] [AS. sealt, salt. See {Salt}, n.] 1. Of or relating to salt; abounding in, or containing, salt; prepared or preserved with, or tasting of, salt; salted; as, salt beef; salt water. Salt tears.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Salt — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para las conversaciones sobre limitación de armas estratégicas véase: SALT Salt Escudo …   Wikipedia Español

  • salt — [sôlt] n. [ME < OE sealt, akin to Ger salz < IE base * sal , salt > L sal, Gr hāls, salt, Sans salila, salty] 1. sodium chloride, NaCl, a white, crystalline substance with a characteristic taste, found in natural beds, in sea water, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Salt — • Always used for the seasoning of food and for the preservation of things from corruption, had from very early days a sacred and religious character Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Salt     Salt …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • SALT — 〈[ sɔ:lt] Abk. für engl.〉 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, Verhandlungen (zw. den USA u. der ehem. UdSSR) über Vereinbarungen zur Begrenzung strateg. Waffen * * * I SALT   [sɔːlt],    1) Astronomie: Abk.Abkürzung für engl.englisch Southern… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • salt — ► NOUN 1) (also common salt) sodium chloride, a white crystalline substance which gives seawater its characteristic taste and is used for seasoning or preserving food. 2) Chemistry any compound formed by the reaction of an acid with a base, with… …   English terms dictionary

  • SALT — oder Salt bezeichnet: Southern African Large Telescope eine Gruppe von Verträgen zur nuklearen Rüstungsbegrenzung, siehe Strategic Arms Limitation Talks eine Reihe von proprietären Erweiterungen zu HTML, cHTML, XHTML und WML, siehe Speech… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Salt — Salt, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Salted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Salting}.] 1. To sprinkle, impregnate, or season with salt; to preserve with salt or in brine; to supply with salt; as, to salt fish, beef, or pork; to salt cattle. [1913 Webster] 2. To fill… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • salt — SALT, salturi, s.n. 1. Mişcare bruscă prin care corpul se desprinde de la pământ, sărind pe loc sau deplasându se; mişcare de deplasare bruscă în zbor. 2. Trecere bruscă de la o situaţie ori stare la alta. – Din lat. saltus, it. salto. Trimis de… …   Dicționar Român

  • Salt — (englisch für „Salz“) steht für: Salt (Girona), Stadt im Nordwesten von Spanien Salt (Kryptologie), in der Kryptografie ein zusätzlicher zufälliger Schlüssel Salt (Film), US amerikanischer Film aus dem Jahr 2010 Die Abkürzung SALT steht für:… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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